Iztema means “Jihad fair”. Just like in the trade and commerce fair, real estate fair or computer fair, the biggest Jihadists in the sub-continent put up their stalls in the Iztema, to preach the young generation of Bangladesh about Jihad and convince them why is it important. Alems-Ulamas from across various madrasas and mosques in Pakistan would come in droves. Jihadists hailing from Middle Eastern countries such as the likes of Saudi Arabia, would come in order to share their opinions. Last year I came across such a group who were Afghanis originally, but arrived from Pakistan. They were going to Kakrail mosque by bus.

Despite the fact that Tablig Jamaat group were considered as peaceful emissaries of Islam for a long time, in truth they actively seek to implant rotten festering brains inside the heads of religious Muslims. I am not claiming that the seniors of Iztema are directly linked with Jihadi activities, but their “Dawati Islam” routine is currently engaged in producing an entire generation of religiously blind, primeval people. Not only that, active Jihadist are using their Iztema as a means to bolster their ranks. On top of that the Bangladeshi government does everything it possibly can to facilitate and oversee the success of this sort of religious congregation, in a bid to demonstrate their own commitment and skill. And the same arrangements have been made this time around as well on behalf of the government. The army and police force shall be employed in their services. Railway and bus services shall be made readily accessible to the arriving “Mussallis” (Muslims). Every day you will find the prime minister urging others to take care of their children. So that they may not get involved with militancy.

And yet programs like the Iztema are being sponsored by the government, which is as good as inviting crocodiles ashore by digging trenches for them. Investigations into the backgrounds of all those Muslims who were responsible for every Jihadi attack on Europe and America, revealed that they started harbouring Jihadi tendencies after performing Hajj (pilgrimage). Hajj gatherings are renowned as a medium to preach Jihad worldwide.

Through the preachings of the Haji sahibs (masters), appeals are made to wrench control from the Kafirs and Mushriks and establish Islamic rule. Some of the biggest Al-Qaeda leaders have written that, they used to preach in mosques across the Middle-East including Saudi Arabia, encouraging Muslims present there to attack non-Muslims and wrestle control from. There were also reasons provide as to why the so-called Tagudi rulers need to be removed from Muslim countries, and Islamic rule needs to be established… In Iztemas, preaching are conducted from camp to camp. There Muslims are told why it is necessary to establish Islamic supremacy. And all this is done under government sponsorship! 

By MD Rashed Alam

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