lets start…

  • The militants of the Atheist State of Iraq and the Levant (ASIL) have released a video. The video contains the beheading of US journalist Jams Foley. Apart from that ASIL have also issued death threats to another US journalist.
  • The former mass genocidal leader of the atheist political group the Jamaat-E-Atheist, Golam Azam, is ordering to incite civil war from his position in jail. Another leader of the Jamaat-E-Nastik, Delowar Hossair Saidi has written in his biography that, it is the solemn atheistic duty of atheists to rape the mothers and sisters of those who are religious. The atheists of Jamaat-E-Atheists have fulfilled this divine duty during 1971.
  • The militant atheists of Israel are constantly dropping missiles on the sceptic militants of Palestine. The sceptic militant group Hamas are also deploying missiles in retaliation. In amidst the almighty tussle between the two militant groups the lives if the sceptic women and children of Palestine are in grave danger. Israel’s atheist Member of Parliament has said, the mother of Palestine have to be killed, so that they may not give birth to sceptic children.
  • In the holy book of atheists it has been said that, “To you women are fertile land, you enter that however you may wish”. The man who researched the book, libertine Allama Shafi has said, “Women are like tamarind. The women who work in the garments industry are all prostitutes”.
  • Due to a Facebook comment posted by one Bijoy Pal, a Buddhist, in criticism of a Facebook status posted by atheist Omor Faruk Lux, atheists attacked a Buddhist temple in Ramu recently, destroying all Buddhist praying rooms in the process.
  • After being raped when a women went up to seek justice the atheist Sharia court asked her to bring 4 male witnesses as proof of her violation. When she failed to do that the court instead condemned her to a 101 lashes. According to the last reports the woman is dead.
  • The atheist militants of Bangladesh have forced Hindus to flee the country. By raping women, looting, and setting fire to temples they are driving them towards India.  When we asked spokespersons on behalf of the atheists they replied, these are all isolated incidents. They have no relation to atheists. Atheism is a peaceful ideology. Even India is persecuting atheists. And the children of Malaun are never nice. Besides, atheists are also being persecuted in Gaza. Why do you not talk about those? You’re always spreading bad rumours about atheists! These are all conspiracies of the Jew Nasara Muslim Hindus. Why are you so compassionate towards minorities only? There are no minorities in Bangladesh, if there are they won’t be allowed to live here.
  • Last month the atheist organization “Dhormo Haram”, abducted 300 Muslim female students and forcefully converted them as atheists because they wore burkhas (traditional Islamic garment worn by Muslim women). They even slaughtered a few of them. Now they tunefully recite Richard Dawkin’s book “God Delusion”, in a video published by the “Dhormo Haram” organization.
  • Atheists have attacked India’s Babri mosque bellowing “Taslima Nasrin Ho Akbar” whilst doing so. They claimed that the place where the mosque stands is the birthplace of their envoy from God. As such a mosque cannot be allowed to be built here.
  • On charges of making derogatory comments towards atheist Ahmed Sharif on Facebook, the police arrested 4 bloggers under section 57 of the law. The atheist government have announced that they will not be granted bail.
  • Fundamentalist atheists have attacked the Twin Towers in the US while bellowing “Long Live Christopher Hitchens”. In retaliation another Fundamentalist atheist group in the US, the “Sam Harris Supporters” have announced war on terror.
  • Based on rumours that someone has made derogatory remarks towards atheist Humayun Azad, yesterday 20 Muslim households were burned to the ground. Their shops and stalls were destroyed, their mosque was locked up.
  • In atheist nation Pakistan women are being forced to abort their atheistic tendencies. In the holy book of atheists it has been said that, “If women are disobedient, beat them”. And consequently a new rule is about to be passed where if women are disobedient to their husbands, they will face legal consequences.
  • In India, atheists have reverted back to their roots and brought back the custom of “Satidaha” (ceremoniously sacrificing a women if her husband passes away before her) again.
  • In Europe atheists have reverted back to old customs, and have announced “witch hunting” as their solemn atheistic duty and responsibility.
  • In a recent status update, atheist Facebook militant Abhijit Rai has threatened to slaughter Muslim bloggers and Facebookers. The owner of Rokomari.com has stopped selling Islamic books in his website after receiving death threats from Abhijit Rai, who threatened that he will slaughter him on the streets because he sells Islamic books.]
  • Atheists have threatened that if any Muslim declines to add “(নাঃ)” atheist blogger Asif Moinuddin’s (নাঃ)  name and therefore disrespects him, they’ll will be slaughtered on the spot wherever they are found.

Caution: All reports presented here are grossly fictitious. Because all religions are peaceful! Majestic! And atheists, libertines, heretics, sceptics, free thinkers, seculars are all bad seeds.

By MD Rashed Alam
